课程内容为《TensorFlow in Practice 专项课程》,主要教授如何使用TensorFlow搭建深度学习模型。
之所以会下定决心好好学学基础,是因为看到 小土刀 写了Stanford cs20 的学习笔记,他都肯静下心来好好学习,我为什么不呢?所以,我想以他为榜样,模仿他的风格,来记录我的学习过程。因为是模仿,所以肯定会有很多借鉴。
- 2019.10.29 完成初稿,增加「TF01-01 TensorFlow快速入门」 和 「TF01-02 初识机器学习与计算机视觉」
- 2019.10.31 增加「TF01-03 卷积神经网络与复杂数据集」,完成Course 1
- Course1 - Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning
Course1 - Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning
- Learn best practices for using TensorFlow, a popular open-source machine learning framework
- Build a basic neural network in TensorFlow
- Train a neural network for a computer vision application
- Understand how to use convolutions to improve your neural network
Course1 - Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning
Week1 A New Programming Paradigm
- A primer in machine learning
- The ‘Hello World’ of neural networks
Week2 Introduction to Computer Vision
- An Introduction to computer vision
- Writing code to load training data
- Coding a Computer Vision Neural Network
- Using Callbacks to control training
Week3 Enhancing Vision with Convolutional Neural Networks
- What are convolutions and pooling?
- Implementing convolutional layers
- Implementing pooling layers
- Improving the Fashion classifier with convolutions
Week4 Using Real-world Images
- Understanding ImageGenerator
- Defining a ConvNet to use complex images
- Training the ConvNet with fit_generator
- Adding automatic validation to test accuracy
- Exploring the impact of compressing images
- 本文作者: YA
- 本文链接: http://www.yuuuuang.com/2019/10/29/【TF-in-Practice】00-课程概览/
- 版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特别声明外,均采用 MIT 许可协议。转载请注明出处!